Trail #21: Finally Legal TRASH

Who came? Hare Just Jackie Hounds Jug Stain (Gritty H3) Under the Siege (Gritty H3) Festering Beanie Baby (Gritty H3) Cause for Blindness (Liberty Bell H3) Dancin Fool (Philly H3) Taint Cheetos (Mutha Rucka H3) VISITOR Just Joe (Wandering Whore) VISITOR Just Janson VIRGIN Sergeant Snatch Snitch (BFMH3) AUTOHASHER So no shit, there we were, on a glorious end-of-summer day. There were stories about balloons, there were actual balloons, there was Fireball, there was Beer, and there was much rejoicing! Our very own Just Jackie has had enough backdoor encounters to be known forevermore throughout the hash universe as.... Something In My Butt, Aaaaaahhhh (SIMBA) She's true blue! On-On until October you wankers.